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Triton Shell / Conches / Sangu / Valampuri

Story behind Triton Sea Shells  Triton shell were named after the Greek God of the Sea, Triton the son of Poseidon. There is also a myth that these shells bring good luck or charm.   These seashells are beautifully colored and interestingly shaped and come from Gastropods. Adult tritons are active predators which feed on starfish and other mollusks. The Giant Triton can reach lengths of nearly 20 inches. Largest species of Titan - Charonia tritonis These interesting shells are normally found amongst rocks and coral. These guys are characterized by their showy appearance, spikey fronds, and a brightly colored interior. Triton are the most valuable of the seashells. The most rarity and length of the cone and weight determines the price.  Left hand-sided or anti-clockwise are most rare 1 in 10000.   Triton Shells become more expensive day to day.  Triton Trumpet around 18-19" length would cost around  40 Million $ (USD). Pacific Triton Shells can

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